After being scammed out of 1200 from a craigslist home (yes I no ! Bad choice to give cash to anyone off craigslist, but I'm a very honest and trusting person) I found a home through there company! I easily found the property and contacted Shelia whom works for the company, she was extremely sweet and resourceful, keep in mind I contacted her on a SUNDAY which was a bonus in my book since most realtors do not work on weekends from what I've encountered. She walked me step by step on what to do to rent the property and how to properly fill out the paper work.
She not only was an blessing to help me and my children whom were running out of funds from being house to house for the last month since recently relocating from North Dakota, Shelia also told me the steps to take to figure out the actual home owner of the prior home I was scammed by to notify the owner, and guess what !! The owner of that home is currently helping me get my money back. This experience was a win win, I have the perfect townhouse I look forward to moving in and decorating !! Thank you Shelia !!