| - This is everything good (and a few not-so-good) things about a Mexican restaurant. Highly recommended. The main courses are stupid good. The menu is deceptively small, in that you basically choose which kind of meat (from shredded pork to beef tongue to trip) you want in which kind of configuration (burrito, tostada, whatever). The second you see it come to your table you know it's special, just because everything's fresh, at least on the entree. And it tastes great.
If you wanted authentic, this is the real deal. Other than the very good quality (higher than average for any restaurant, not just those in Mexico), the look and atmosphere would look like any other restaurant in Baja. It's also cleaner than most restaurants, despite the rustic look.
There's a salsa bar, homemade horchata, and soccer blaring on flat screens all over. Mexico, all right!
Service efficient but not flashy, and be sure to get their at an off hour. A line can stretch from deep into the building all the way out the door.
Minor complaints: Salad makings such as lettuce, tomatoes) seem to come from a less fresh source. Nothing wilted or egregious, it just doesn't have the flavor you get from say, local organic stuff. The tables and chairs are the cheapest plastic banquet variety you can get from Costco, so it's just not comfortable. Also I found the rice a little bleh.
My complaints are so minor that I ate there 3 times in two days. Even if they address none of my issues, I'll be a committed fan for as long as they keep doing what they do.