Excellent selection of records, found a lot of what I've been looking for that I hadn't found anywhere else in person. This is a great store to visit if you have an idea of what you want to buy! However, they do use high and low prices online to come in between with a sale price. I do not think the guy on the computer knows how to determine what issue the record is because I was charged $30 for a US edition when, upon further research, my record actually ended up being a UK edition that I probably could have gotten for $15 instead. I initially picked out about 5 records but only left with the one. I would consider visiting again next time I'm in the area solely for their endless selection, but just make sure you do your own extensive research beforehand so you know what you should be paying!
Update: The record I got isn't even an original issue either! I'm adamant about not buying re-issues so I'm pretty disappointed.