| - There's something to be expected of a coffee and tea shop on a corner of a busy intersection, which is not much. I was visiting Toronto for the weekend with my bf and we were hurting for some free WiFi. Needless to say, we popped in the first place that had it, which just so happened to be Lettieri.
Don't get me wrong-- we weren't only using Lettieri for their free Internetz. No, it was also a hot, sticky day so we stopped off for some smoothies and flavored tea. I wanted to get a blood orange and strawberry smoothie but was kindly informed that they ran out of all flavors (yes, ALL flavors) except strawberry. Being that I was 1) thirsty and 2) thirsty, it was all but Hobson's Choice so I had to go with the strawberry. I watched the barista (I like to call them "smoothie artists") work his magic: in the blender went some fruit juice + a single strawberry (for color?) + a WHOLE banana. Last I checked, the dude said they only had strawberry, not strawberry and banana. Hey man, quit being so stingy on the strawberries! Since I had already paid for it, I drank the smoothie, begrudgingly. And it tasted just as I had observed: a banana smoothie with a hint of strawberry. Blech.
As far as interiors go: surprisingly drab for a coffee shop. The tables inside weren't all that clean, unless you like chillin out with crumbs from previous customers on your table. A nice wipe-down wouldn't have killed them. Maybe it was an off day there, but sadly Lettieri didn't do it for me. Except for maybe the free WiFi.