| - I've taken a few items in the past to Studio Kim for simple alterations - a hem here, a strap adjustment there. I find it incredibly overpriced and slow, but living in close proximity has been a tempting aspect.
I recently took a Calvin Klein winter coat for repairs. Having been worn for about 25 years by my mother, it's still in incredibly good condition and has a timelessly classic shape. There was a small hole where a seam had come apart at the side, and both pockets had completely bottomed out. Ever put your phone in your faulty pocket only to have it end up banging around your knees as you walk?
When the coat was returned, the seam at the side had been flawlessly refinished. However, as I put my hands in the pocket, I noticed something strange. One of the pockets had been seamed correctly. The other one had a giant, hard ridge, likely formed by a serger, which was inside out.
It's like water torture every time I put my hands in my pockets. The fact that one is fine and the other is sloppy and uncomfortable is slowly eating away at me. Bit by bit, drop by drop, I am slowly losing my goddamn mind.
I don't know exactly what the lesson is here. I guess it would be that if you want to take a risk, hand something over to Studio Kim. The jeans I had hemmed here were completed satisfactorily, but something like a disastrously flawed pocket repair might take a toll on even the most mentally stable.
From now on, I'll just schlep to Jean Wu for drastic alterations, and Magic Tailor for things I want done quickly and properly.