| - One rad thing out of many that I've always enjoyed about Vegas is the opportunity to leave the Strip for something cheaper, but equally fun. I always found that the shops, casinos, bars, and restaurants here are a tad cheaper than the Strip. On my last few visits, I've had an absolute blast in Las Vegas' downtown core, from watching semi-nude magic shows and gambling - buy-ins can be cheaper here than at some of the big name casinos to the South - to simply walking the streets with friends, meeting all sorts of characters. Thousands and thousands of people crowd this area during the day; once the sun sets, the area can be a wild ride, so leave the kids behind and enjoy yourself!
There are, unfortunately, several downsides to the Fremont Street Experience as well. For one, it's far from the Strip, so in order to avoid the rough area in between the two zones, taking a cab or Uber is recommended. Secondly, the hotels and casinos in this area are more outdated and the décor more drab; the service is also on a lower-end sliding scale. And last, but certainly not least on the list, crime here can be common - looking at the numbers, the Strip gets more of it, but beware of Fremont Street and keep your valuables close because I guarantee one in five people are looking to drain you of money any way they know how.
All negatives aside, this is a great area to party in. I haven't done the zipline, but I hope to conquer it one day! You can easily spend a day living the Fremont Street Experience!