| - front office seems to do almost anythn to keep u from seeing the dr. They will have a copy of yer insurance card, yer ID, yer referral n anythn else under the sun they might need, yet they still want u to carry all things w u at all times. so many times I've been rushing out the door or in so much pain I can't think straight n am told, "Sorry, I need to see yer ID n insurance card". other times I am either waitn for over an hour n a half, or I'm refused to be seen because I'm a minutes past the 15 minutes mark... Drs are scared to prescribe enough medicine to allow u to function, so either way, someway, somehow, I end up screwed. I'm havn a hard time findn somethn else, but trust me, I will. especially since they have twice said they will no longer be takn my insurance, n the recanted, causing me to make insurance arrangements, only to cancel two times. horribly disorganized place, don't even bother!