| - The Beach hood is a desert of real estate butt-faakery...let's not kid ourselves. The north side of Queen is where every thing happens and the south side is where everything gets ignored. In general, there's no where good to go when you are starving like a longshoreman and want a pint of beer to wash it down and maybe hang for another pint. That is normal behaviour in most European cities, I'm looking at you, the people of Toronto who are on a constant colon cleanse, drinking lemon juice and cayenne pepper and wreaking havoc on your puckered up buttholes.
In the beach, it's either coffee shops, tea shops, or really dumb restaurants that cater to women who wear Lululemon yoga pants and push empty strollers stuffed with probiotic groceries while their toddlers are at a Montessorri pop-up school. They are not the MILFs from your favourite Tumblr blog, so don't get excited and hop a streetcar over here expecting some fantasy fulfilled by some perceived loose/frustrated pussy. These women run a tight ship and wouldn't dream of drinking at lunch, they have no time for you because they are always in a hurry to "pick something up" or "run an errand" before their husband gets home. In other words, they're getting it some place else, obviously.
Anyway back to my needs and yours: Finally, the Gods of Gluttony heard my prayers and opened up a Works, ON THE SOUTH SIDE of Queen (people, you need to cross the street once in awhile) which is a chain burger joint. I'm not going to lie: ordering for the first time is hard work. I could barely handle it. I am a Burgers Priest gal and like plain simple things. The menu has to be explained and the the waitress we had was so helpful and lovely that it all worked out well...I ended up with a cheese burger with caramelized onions and horse radish but it had some kind of biblical sounding name that I can't remember. Keep things simple, I always say but no one listens so maybe just shut up and go with the flow. It was a really good burger.
The fries rock big time. And that is how I judge a joint. I love me my meat but I am a carbo-fatty at heart and I could drink the gravy, my friend loved the onion rings and we had deep fried pickles! What a delight!
The service was great! We had wine with our meal, and then a beer for dessert. And then another beer. For lunch! Yes, that is how we hookers roll on the other side of the street in the middle of the day, kittens.