I Stopped by this casino on my way back home from a seminar and was very surprised that every slot machine is a #2 machine . This means they are not regulated or monitored by any independent gaming commission other than the casino. In other words it's a casino money making machine above and beyond the norm. The winnings are not random but controlled and the odds are not required to be disclosed by the state. So unless you're going for lunch or for pure entertainment don't expect to win anything. I preformed my own experiment and played 60 different machines with 4 spins each. This is a total of 240 spins & I had only 8 free bonus spins and won a total of $10. Terrible isn't it? . I'd recommend HoChunk in the Dells all there machines are #3 which means they are regulated , monitored and tested for irregularities but again don't expect any casino on an Indian reservation to disclose there odds. They are not required to by law. You'll always know it's a #2 machine when you see the hidden Bingo game somewhere on the machine
The lunch special for $7 was a great deal.