Walked in and ordered a sub. The young lady said 10-15 min. Went in about 12 min later sub not even placed in oven yet to be heated. Which no big deal only takes a few minutes to heat up anyways. Problem is she cut up the tomatoes on a dirty counter and when I had mentioned it she said it's not dirty I just bleached it the counter is stained. I told her I can see dirt from the bottom of the pizza pan from here. She began to cut up another tomato and I told her why would you cut up a new batch on the same dirty counter I don't want those on my sandwich your counter is dirty. Finally she did it right a got something clean to cut it up on. Attitude the whole time. My advice to her, don't try a bs someone you don't know. I was in that business for years ran two pizza shops for two different companies at the same time because I know the business. If you need a lesson on how to clean in a food service company I'd come and show you for free. If you wipe down your counter after completing a round of orders your counter wouldn't be stained like that. Second your counter wasn't stained and you didn't just bleach it. Also never tell a customer you just but food on something that could still have the possibility of bleach on it.