BEWARE! Dolores the Cox representative is a LIAR!
On 6/10/17 my girlfriend and I went to the Cox Residential store on 4072 Blue Diamond Rd, on that date we spoke to a Cox representative by the name of Dolores, and she helped us pick a service that we agreed on. The only problem was that she lied right to our face. She promised us free installation and equipment however 3 weeks later we get a bill for both instation and equipment. We have been back and forth through email, each time saying she will take care of the fees, until today I went into the Cox store and spoke with her supervisorr, his name is Taylor, and he said she was not allowed to make that promise so it was our fault for not understanding her. Dolores also backed the claim saying we heard her incorrectly and that she never promised us free installation and equipment. This is very shameful of them and we would really like to have them exposed. We have already paid for the fees, which were over $490 dollars and now there is no way of getting our money back.