Never come here ! Such a. Rip off. I brought my 1 year old son and 10 year old sister thinking we're going to have a great time. Also seeing that they were not busy got me excited but right when we started to jump they told us he needed to go the kids side which was fine but then he told me I couldn't jump next to my son I asked I want to jump too and I can't leave him alone he said I could stand on the mat and watch him! So I just payed for no reason obviously can't leave my one year unattended. The workers watch you and are super strict ! They sucked the fun out of our whole experience. It felt very awkward how they were watching us waiting to tell that we couldn't do something. And when they did tell us that we couldn't do something they would be very rude about it ! No cellphones no jumping by your child. No skipping through trampolines when it's basically empty ! To say they least I left there mad ! Their strict rules are a little much!