| - I have been having foot problems for several months now and have tried several of the Foot Massage places here in Las Vegas in hopes of getting some relief. Well I wasted my money at this place, the lady who gave me my massage barely touched my feet and proceeded to work mostly on my neck and shoulders, arms and legs. All while seated or lying on my back.
This massage is with you fully clothed, which I wasn't prepared for and so wore a long sleeve shirt and jeans. Due to the fact I wasn't dressed appropriately for this type of massage, I found it to be more of an irritation than not. I certainly can't recommend this place, simply because I am not into over the clothes massages, and I didn't get much of a foot massage.
Don't get me wrong, the lady who worked on me was very nice, and I think she did all she was expected to do, but unless you are into chair massages, fully clothed and are not too particular about getting your feet worked on, don't bother with this place.