This review is not specific to this location, but it is specific to Lifemark Physiotherapy as a chain.
BE AWARE on your first appointment you will be required to sign a bunch of stuff.. On one paper, in teeny weeeny type, tells you that you alone are responsible for your insurance coverage. Over the course of your treatments, you may recieve tons of insurance advice from your physiotherapist..telling you exactly how many treatments you can get out odf your insurance, and how to apply, etc - DON'T DEPEND ON A WORD OF IT - becasue if there's any issue with insurance after the fact Lifemark is all too happy to take that little paper you signed and wave it in front of your face.
I was led to believe that my insurance would cover the treatments and it did not - I was left holding the bag on $485 and "sorry" was all I got.
I will never again set my foot inside a Lifemark Physio location unless I am helping someone escape.