So I've been to a couple of other Sabor locations around town and haven't been incredibly impressed but recognize that their food is a GREAT deal. However, tonight at this location, I ordered a plate of nachos to-go. When I approached the counter to ask for salsa containers I was met with sass as if it was unheard of to want salsa with my nachos? But nonetheless, one of my favorite parts of Sabor is the salsa bar to spice up all of their dishes! So I was a little disappointed to be met with that sass.
Upon getting home, my nachos had absolutely NO queso on them and I ended up having to add my own shredded cheese as I didn't particularly want to go back to the restaurant at this point. What's the point of nachos without cheese..?? Additionally the beef Barbacoa was overly seasoned and salty (doesn't help that the chips are seasoned too, which I love) to the point that I ended up not finishing. Overall a pretty disappointing experience when I just wanted a plate of chips and queso :(