| - Possibly the nicest spot in Vegas. As another reviewer noted, it's a great place to forget you're in Vegas. Oops! Should I have said that? Sacrilege! Doesn't everyone think Vegas is the greatest place on Earth, by far?
Beauty aside, this is a great place to observe human stupidity at its best, starting with the shitheads who feed the birds in spite of signage you can't ignore. Maybe they don't understand English. A school bus driver even parked his bus (not short) to toss treats to the birds.
Walking dogs off leash: An excited puppy jumped into the lake to chase a bird and nearly drowned. The owner doffed her shoes and waded in after the pooch. I'm sure she thought it was cute. And why not walk the adorable pooch off leash--It's just a puppy!
Dog walkers steer their terriers toward the birds so they can lunge and nip at birds, driving them from the banks and into the water. They think it's funny.
Then there are the poor goose families trying to cross the road. One lady stood in front of them holding up her phone to get a tasteful shot. The apprehensive geese turned back. The lady pulled this stunt twice.
The reason geese need to cross the road is to get a break from scrofulous tormentors
The list goes on. Any time you visit this bastion of serenity you will encounter stupidity beyond belief except no display of stupidity is surprising. Angry residents barreling down Mariner Drive will honk you out if you slow to avoid a goose. Oh, and of course no one minds a Harley or hot rod blasting the peace with roaring tailpipes.
How about letting your kids chase the birds and bunnies? Oops, I shouldn't have mentioned the bunnies. Parents reading this may seek out the bunnies for their kids to harass. Please just leave 'em be--no need to touch, pet, scare, feed, or otherwise interfere with their gambols. If you want to play with animals, go to a petting zoo.
Swans have become an endangered species at Desert Shores. The entire community is aghast that some sicko would kill a swan with a bow & arrow. Was it a thrill kill or stupidity? I believe many people do not understand that these are living creatures, not fixtures in a Disneyland attraction.
To save their lives, the owner of the swans wants to move the birds elsewhere. A couple years back, an adult swan, two babies, and three ducks were slaughtered by an underage offender who was letting off steam after his love life went sideways. Here is Jan Hogan's account:
Incidentally, doesn't it look like fun to paddle around Lake Jacqueline in a kayak or paddle boat? Sorry, members only.