I think they should change their name to anything else but Mongolian Grill. I've had much better experience with Mongolian Restaurant in different cities, and I think it's a bit misleading to call it that if you are not going to stand up to its standard. I am not trying to be a hater here, but I believe that everything authentic tastes much better than the wannabes. I mean, I would be so sad if I were a Mongolian to find out about this place.
For example, the rice doesn't taste good, and rice is a staple food in most Asian cuisine and every Asian restaurant should know how to cook good quality rice (seriously, I never complain about rice ever.. and how hard is it to cook decent rice?). The taste of the meat that you pick and got cooked over a big circle grill?? Dissapointing with a capital D. THe sauce choices were so Americanized, and even the soy sauce tastes weird.
In addition to those, I think it's overpriced, and you have to keep paying extras for additional meat, etc.