| - I have frequented many goodlifes over the past year and this has to be the worst one. From the state of the equipment, clientele to the layout this place is dismal. It is a renovated location, goodlife bought out some old fitness club, you walk in on one level, go down a flight of stairs to the changerooms have to go up some narrow stairwell three flights which brings you to the fitness area which is assembled in a circle with all the machines, benches strewn together in some haphazard manner with mirrors just to make it more confusing. It has squash courts, I guess the only goodlife that does, but it always seems very busy.
The free weights area: The worst, the benches are an inch from the wall which makes spotting impossible, there is only one squat rack and limited benches.
Change-rooms: Smell terrible but are actually very well stocked with every amenity imaginable (hair gel, mouthwash, hairdryers, body lotion etc) . This location has a steam-room which functions only half of the time, and a very small sauna.
Clientele: This is the noisiest gym ever, full of teenagers going nuts on the machines talking loudly to their bros or on their cell-phones. If this isn't happening there are some random bodybuilders grunting out rep numbers as loud as possible. I have been to many goodlifes and this my fellow yelp readers houses the loudest most annoying people.
Group fitness room: this is a nice larger sized room that is free in the evenings, I like to hide in here to get some serious plyo work done if no one is in.
Staff: Helpful enough, no impolite or bad experiences, but they do like talking to each other a lot, especially in the training area which is loud enough already.
In conclusion I don't recommend this place if you are looking for a high-energy, well-organized, streamlined place to workout. If you want to fool around with machines and sit around willy-nilly waiting for a bench to free up while listening to personal trainers joke with each other this is your spot.