So basically I've had to give Seven Grams away. As much as I love the work space I find the that high turnover of staff really affects the quality of coffee you get. I just don't want to pay 6 bucks for something subpar that I (sometimes) could have gotten at Starbucks. All the baristas I came to like have up and left. I found myself sitting there and timing my order so i would get a specific barista to make it, knowing that the others were not that good. Plus they stopped ordering their cookies from Desmond & Beatrice and started making their own (not the same thing).
Another thing is that aside from being a little walk from the train station there are not enough healthy food options to sustain me through an afternoon of work. I don't particularly want to pay $8 or $10 for a focaccia so I found myself supplementing with bagels and cookies. Downstairs can also be painfully freezing on account of the AC.
Yes, Seven Grams I used to love you. You were my 'thing' for a good 6 months. But I found other places closer that were doing it a little better and a little cheaper. And so I left.