Every dish is so photogenic here like food p*rn, except that nothing I tried here would give you any foodg*sm. It's a shame because the menu is authentic, the service is nice and the portion-price ratio is so satisfying! So why is it a 3 star? For example, almost EVERYTHING you don't "physically" see in the salmon chirashi dish is missing! Besides white rice + salmon, there's really not much going on. If you simply googled "recipe for chirashi" there's at least 1 c of rice vinegar, 2 tbsp of sesame seed, 1 tbsp. katsuo fumi furikake rice seasoning..., but the rice tastes plain and the salmon is not fresh enough to 'appreciate' zero seasoning. My boyfriend seems to be quite satisfied with the "nutrition factor" of this meal. Maybe it is a good quick lunch option if you want something healthy&fresh in the neighborhood.