| - I used to be a former tenant here and I have to warn you: STAY AWAY. Due to time constraints, lack of options, and proximity to school, I chose to sign with Forward Management for the apartment at 5440 5th Ave.
I have several complaints:
- There were SO many stink bugs in the apartment. They would crawl in through the many cracks and crevices of the apartment.
- The apartment complex is absolutely disgusting. The basement looks like a murder scene and unfortunately, it's also where the laundry machines are.
- During finals week last winter, the power and heating went out for over an entire week. The management did NOTHING to make up for it, not an apology OR some sort of reimbursement for the inconvenience. As many of the residents are graduate students, you would think that they would have more consideration for their residents but NOPE. I wrote them several nasty letters and the best they came up with was "Sorry, nothing we can do about it. Don't curse at us."
- When I first moved in, the tub was molding and they did not replace it until I constantly harassed them for a whole month. It was absolutely disgusting. In fact, the condition of the whole apartment was filthy. They claimed to clean the carpet, but there were stains galore. I know for sure they did not clean it, especially after I got it professionally vacuumed and cleaned. It made a world of a difference. What's more is that they retained about 75% of my deposit for bullshit reasons and charges such as "dirty counters" or "carpet stains". Excuse me?! I spent 3-4 days scrubbing the hell out of the apartment and that apartment was in shithole condition from the start. They claimed that I needed to write how DIRTY the apartment was when I first moved in. SINCE WHEN DO YOU COMMENT ON DIRTINESS WHEN YOU MOVE IN?! Shouldn't the apartment be clean from the get-go?? I just assumed that the apartment was so digusting that that was the best it would look. I'm pretty sure they kept most of my deposit because I bitched them out so much that they were pissed about having to deal with me, but that just goes to show you how unprofessional they are.
- I had several other maintenance issues with the shower head and shower drain. I think I called maintenance 5-6 times throughout my residence.
- The wording in their contract is very ambiguous. When I signed with them, I interpreted their sublease rule to mean that subletters could be allowed depending on the situation. I also assumed so, since most leasing companies allow it... but NOPE. I can now understand why-- they don't want to have to deal with new subletters bombarding them with nasty letters. So basically, you're locked into a one year agreement with them without exception.
- They once left threatening letters about not paying rent and charging me a late fee when I had indeed paid the rent on time. They made me take a screen shot of my monthly statement with their check #. How about they get their shit together and check THEIR cashed checks to see whether they cashed my check that month??
OH, did I mention that every time I wrote them a nasty letter, I found SOMEONE from Forward Management checking my profile on LinkedIn? How creepy and inappropriate is that? What's funnier is that they refused to give me the name of the decision maker/head manager at Forward Management. Everytime I demanded to talk to the HEAD HONCHO, the personnel in the office claimed that I couldn't and wouldn't even give me a name. Not even an email address or anything. They said they would take my information and someone would get back to me... and of course, nobody ever did.
Terrible and frightening experience. I shudder at the thought of this apartment and after this experience, I have learned my lesson. You really do get what you pay for, so if all of the above complaints aren't worth it then look elsewhere. It's unfortunate that all of the Google reviews for Forward Management did not surface until AFTER I moved in. (To check them, google "Forward Management, Pittsburgh, PA.")