I love farmer's markets, but I especially love this farmer's market because it fosters so many great habits from me. First off, lately I've found myself biking there. Second, when I go there, I make it a goal to buy at least one vegetable to incorporate into my cooking. This week I am going to bake some zucchini. Mmm...
Some of my favorite items here:
Pumpkins. I bought a pumpkin with some serious "personality" for $5. It was tri-colored and oddly shaped. It makes for a great doorstep decoration.
Apple butter and pumpkin butter from the amish stand. Delicious and only made with natural ingredients.
Fresh herbs like basil, except they go bad if you don't use them immediately.
Cherry tomatoes, especially the heirloom variety that come in unusual colors. I had the privilege of trying a purple - yes, purple - variety that was savory. Mmm...
Additional favorites:
- Live folk and clarinet music
- Fresh kettle corn
- The waffle truck! (I will write a separate review for this).