My wife was seen by Mary Zieffel, the PA. She had been having panic attacks all morning and last night. After doing a useless EKG, Mary told her she seemed fine now and didn't think medication was a good idea, and my wife just needed to go get counseling. No further recommendations for how to deal with the attacks now, or even for a counselor to go to. Then she left. Naturally, this upset my wife enough that she started panicking again. Mary heard her screaming and came back in. She started a half-hearted breathing technique with her, then left again while my wife was still sobbing into her hands. She had the nurse bring in our paperwork.
I get that anxiety is a hard condition to treat, but Mary Zieffel gave up on my wife. She decided my wife "seemed fine" and it wasn't her problem to find any further solution. We came in because she was so debilitated she almost got in an accident driving to work. We paid for this person to tell my wife to figure it out on her own. Because she seemed fine now.