| - Grab and go is a nice concept if you have someone who would actually ring you up! Walked in at 7:08, grabbed my grab and go, and I stood there, no eye contact, no let me finish this order, nothing I just stood there, at no time did she say I will be with you in a moment. When I walked in she was working on two bowls and a juice there was one person in the loby, one bowl was for him. He left and I assumed she would say something to me, she didn't, I was clearly holding my 2 items from grab and go fridge. A minute later a guy comes in and she talked to him still ignoring me. She asked him if he placed the to go order he said yes, and went to the bathroom, clearly not in a rush. Still no communication with me, at that point I was mad that she never acknowledged I was there, and I left the business without breakfast and late to work. Maybe they were understaffed, buy customer service is a must, communication is key. Very disappointed that one of the few establishments I can eat in being Vegan has this poor of service.