| - Update 10/11/15: We have received a full refund from this service and are satisfied with this outcome.
Caveat Emptor...this is a review for and it's sole proprietor Alicia Witt.
We hired this service and it's proprietor based on the numerous positive reviews we found online.
This is the review of a service/business based on personal experience.
I'll cut to the bullet list...
1: We paid extra for a service this business did not provide, the proprietor of this business refused to refund us for that and after much argument, partially refunded it for us. While I accepted this at the time, hindsight is always 20/20 and I should have refused and just reported the business to the police and BBB for fraud.
2: The proprietor did not provide doula service as agreed upon. Short of answering some questions here and there prior to the big day, we are really not sure what the $$$ was actually for. The proprietor did not massage my wife as agreed upon, the proprietor had a poor attitude and answered questions in single syllable answers, the proprietor provided zero emotional support to my wife except for when the epidural was administered and then it was just breathing exercises, and that was pretty much it.
3: While we ended up having to do an emergency section after 12 hours or so of being admitted, at no point during the numerous hours that the proprietor was there was the proprietor truly helpful. The proprietor pretty much either ate, slept, left to eat, or sat in a chair on a cellphone. There was such little level of interaction and no explanation as to why that our nurses even asked who this person was as they cleared showed signs of not wanting to be there. Their words, not ours.
4: Two hours was spent LEAVING for lunch or dinner, and two to two and a half was spent napping. We paid for "doula" service which is a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after birth.
5: After the section, the proprietor stayed in the room for no more than 20 minutes to help the baby latch and then left. And that was the last we heard from them until almost 2 weeks later when my wife reached out to complain and ask for a refund. We were in the hospital for 4 days afterwards and there was no follow up. Part of the service is to perform such follow up and it never happened. It wasn't until I reminded them that they asked to schedule it AFTER we fought about the refund for the service that was never performed. I have cell phone call logs to prove this.
We have the feeling now that proprietor of this business simply did not like us, from the very start. Whatever the reason for that is, they had no issues with taking our money when the professional thing to do would have been to tell us they just can't work with us. Maybe that isn't the reason. We don't really know. But they did actually remark when we discussed a refund they felt the service performed was "exemplary". So who knows?
But t that we say, you are delusional and have no idea what that word exemplary means. The service was far from it.
Instead of providing a nurturing environment and added support during our special day, we feel this service contributed quite negatively to it.
We paid for...
A trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after birth.
We did not get it. We feel utterly ripped off by this business.
This review abides by Yelp's review guidelines and is intended as a matter of opinion with regard to a service we have paid for. We are entitled to such an opinion as a customer. We are in no way affiliated with this industry or competitors of this person, and have no personal agenda other than to share our experience publicly as a result of paying for this service. You will note there is no bigotry, harassing remarks, or hate speech in this review and I would hope that should it be flagged as inappropriate the reviewers take actual note.
We would urge you to look harder for other reviews, they are out there, and not all of them can be removed so easily under false pretense. You can start by joining community groups and relative forums and simply ASKING for personal opinions and reviews and you will most certainly have your questions answered. We wish we had done the same sooner.