My appointment was on time. My exam was fine, the doctor was lovely but... The technician did a new test that will scan the back of your eye without having to have the dilation drops; I was so pleased. After she does it she announces that will be $40 or the doctor "just won't look at it." OK, I had it done a year ago so I'll have to be happy knowing the test is done but wasted. Then I go to the front desk where I'm told I have a $10 co-pay and my frame allowance is $130. Too bad a couple frames start at $150 and go up rapidly from there. I would't even consider one of their frames under $180, so... I walked out without a pair of glasses. Sigh. Last time I went to America's Best in Queen Creek and walked out with glasses ($69.00 lenses not even using all of my $130 allowance - saving my insurance money) and upgraded SV poly lenses for $20 total - no eye dilatation. I ordered glasses online for $29.00. My exam was great but I felt jipped on the back end by high frame costs.