| - UNC Charlotte is certainly a budding university. "Staking our claim" in the Queen City and UNC system, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte is certainly becoming a force to be reckoned with.
On an academic level, colleges within the university excel in areas according to their expertise. For instance, UNC Charlotte is notable for its nursing, research, and performance programs and initiatives. While all of these things are true this fine institution offers so much more. With the continual expansion, increasing student enrollment, and the acquisition of personable professional staff UNC Charlotte will continue to grow at an exponential rate. As the university grows, it will continue to equip the students pursuing higher education with the tools necessary to seamlessly transition into the work force, and become a positive and productive member of society.
With that, I strongly encourage you all to get involved with UNC Charlotte as the university continues to reach out into the community. "Stake your Claim," with UNCC and let's make a better Charlotte community together.