This is how out-of-touch I've come with this franchise. Firstly, I didn't know that they franchised. So, that's bad on my part. I knew of them from what I believe to be their original location on Roncesvalles (, and it appears that they've done so well that they've expanded. Good for them.
I wish I could tell you that I found them as I walked through the many eateries on Markham, looking for something new, came across this new version of an old friend, settled down, and had a wonderful meal. That didn't happen. I was waiting for a bus to take me to a stag and this place had a patio to have beer on. It wasn't until I bought my pint that I realized that this was in fact a Butler's Pantry. It kind of felt like accidentally hitting on your friend's mom.
The tap list is local, bordering on organic and the menu is the same as the other. A quick check with the wait staff (friendly even dealing with guys on the way to a stag) that the Bul Go Gi (the ONLY thing that I've ever eaten at a Butler's Pantry) is the same recipe. I'll have to come back for more than beer.