The best food you will ever eat! The Carpaccio will blow your mind and if you have room for the main course.... Go butternut squash all the way or better yet another round of carpaccio. If you want the best bang for your buck go for lunch and ask for Joy! it's not as busy, they have more time just to work on your order rather than being in the middle of madness and Joy, well she's exactly that a Joy. The best thing about this combination is you will get a taste of what Vegas used to be. First class service, first class food and you are the V.I.P. wether your spending $30 or $3,000. If you have a problem she will move mountains to fix it, she goes out of her way to make you feel welcome and most importantly she lives by the old Vegas mantra 'the customer is always right and priority one'. If your from out of town the experience will make your trip and if your a local you can't help but come back for more and you might just meet a true Vegas contact and friend. Don't forget the carpaccio and raise a glass to the good old days.
Quick tip if you don't want to walk through the casino, the Bellagio has a valet side entrance right on Flamingo and the restaurant is in the door to your left go down I think about three or four shops and it is there on your right, but if your visiting take the main parking in, go through taking the larger walk ways until you get to the shops and then on your way out rather than going left to parking go right and you go directly into the atrium. It doesn't cost any money but it costs the casino millions it is absolutely gorgeous and a ton of work, it always seems to amaze. They change out the theme every month or so depending on the time of year. Hope this is helpful