The represenatives there suck. They rather argue with you and explain why they are right rather than listen to what you are saying. They think they know the answer to the question before you ask it. Each month i pay on my loan a minimum of $100, they decided to process my direct deposit check towards my loan, which i didnt authorize, and split it into 17 payments for that month and charge me interest on each payment!!! What the hell?!!? Then a $400 electronic transfer to my savings account aparently was lost according to them because of their system, and told me that i probley wont be refunded that money. Are you kidding me! What a joke. I closed out all my accounts that day, never have i ever had a bank steal from me, not only that but poor service from an employee there. ( Fanny Cona) thanks for the bad customer service, ill be doing business now with Arizona State credit union.