Dr. Yang Ci Li is the most efficient and knowledgeable massage therapist I have ever met.
I struggled with crippling neck pain and immobility for months, visited specialists, after I ended up in the ER. After heavy medication, several Chiropractor and Physiotherapist sessions later a business partner recommended me Tuina.
Dr Yang has made more progress within our first session than all my previous efforts yielded over 2 months. Now after just two sessions I can move freely and barely have symptoms.
This is no relaxation therapy... Sessions are incredibly efficient at the cost of some pain... Techniques used on me varied across more cultures than I could recognize and seemed to have been adapted to my specific condition. He will adjust the efficiency of the treatment to your tolerance levels, but bearing trough meant amazing progress for me!
They work with my Insurance provider and I think also with all major ones... but even if you pay out of pocket, this one is worth every penny of it!