I enrolled my 9 year old nephew into the Jaz Family Sports & Fitness (aka APSK Martial Arts) Summer Camp program. He loved it from the first day. I am so impressed to see him actively listening to and whole-heartedly responding to the instructor (respect is expected and given). My nephew learned so many new skills ...he was, even, sparring at the end of his first day.
As much as the skills, I like the example of self-control and respect that I can only infer are being demonstrated throughout the day as evidenced by the kid I pick up at the end of it. He is even calling us sir and ma'am.
The day is packed with fun activities and classes. I laughed (and loved it) when he came home on the 2nd day with head-to-toe sore muscles from so much physical activity. This little guy needs to be up and moving around, alot. The classes are just the right length to teach him and to keep his interest.
He likes the classes so much that he asked me not to pick him up until the last one is over so as not to miss anything. I love this Summer Camp program!