As everyone is transitioning to online purchases, BestBuy has become a big box store with a quickly dying market place; They do have one thing going for them. That is customer service.
Whether you are dealing with the Geek Squad or one of the regular Blue Shirt salesmen on the floor they always seem to go above and beyond to help me find what I'm looking for. In fact if they don't have it in their store they offer to order it for me or tell me where to go and pick it up locally.
Case in point, Today I wanted a newly released CD, Yes I'm one of those die hard geezers who wants an actual disc and not some digital soft copy.
They had it advertised on the shelf but no more copies in the bin. Now the Flaming Lips are popular but since the release was just this week I found it hard to believe there was more than 2 or 3 die hard fans who still wanted hard copies and that they had all came to this store and bought them out.
The end result was a Blue Shirt hunt and found a very eager and enthusiastic young kid who also couldn't find the mysterious disk and called for back up.
The Blue Shirt sales team jumped to the rescue and searched online, the back rooms of the store and even through the shelves thinking someone may have hidden a few copies behind another album as the store computer claimed their was three copies left.
Less than 10mins later I walked out of the store with one of the two remaining copies left ( they surmised that the other was probably five finger discounted and said that was a big problem now as hardly anyone ever buys these relics anymore and they don't watch that corner as hard as the rest of the store) after thanking the search team for all their help I eagerly awaited the drive home listing to my new purchase.
Sad to say I wasn't as impressed with Wayne Coyne's new album but BestBuy earned my repeat business today with top notch customer service. The next time I need an instant geek fix I will definitely stop in.