| - Dear Phoenix,
Burn in Hell.
For a sentence of 10 years (now completed thank gods!!!)I was relegated to the most anti social city on the planet.
A city that no matter what I did,The Children of The Corn knew I did not know Isaac,Malachai or He Who Walks Behind The Rows.
A city where employers are empowered to treat the free range staffers no better than garbage paying just above poverty level wages even in professional capacities.
A city where the denizens are called to be rude beyond belief for no reason other than the entitlement that "they can".
Whatever you do,don't call them on their asshattery lest you get instantaneously branded as the bad guy and the proliferation of bully/toadie mentality rallies around to bash.
A city where independant business struggles against a deafening sheeple of Applebee's and Chilli's mentality because the education level in this state is 49 out of 50 where the ignorant cannot,or refuses to recognize individuality and quality.
A city that where the would be bullies self proclaimed "cool kids club"(really,you're HOW old????)once confronted on their unacceptable behaviors,backpeddle or outright blame or lie by denying actions.
Most everyone I met here who were reasonable,personable,intelligent were transplants from someplace else....
So,City of Phoenix,kindly go fuck yourself and the asshole mentality you foster,approve and encourage.