What a let-down.
Quick service is one nice thing I can say about Egg Slut. Good sandwiches is another. The rest is rather bad.
Prices are fairly high. Sandwiches are a slightly-more-than-reasonable $7-$15. The whole whopping two sides are $5.50 for a side salad (not terrible) and $4.50 for a cookie. A cookie!
It doesn't stop there. Want a small cup of OJ? $5. A bottle of Coca-Cola? $5. A cup of coffee? $4.50-$5. The markup on this stuff is insulting.
Also, there is one... ONE table. 16 chairs on one long bi-level table. On our visit the entire table was taken over by one single family and two couples. We had to eat our food standing in the hallway. That is completely unacceptable.
The sandwiches are good. Pretty much everything else at Egg Slut is pure crud.