I booked one night at this place. Me and my husband had to put $100 mandatory deposit after paying for the booking fee. They ask for this incase anything gets stolen or broken from their rooms. So we checked in our stuff and then went out for the night. Come back at 1am to our room and both of our room keys don't work to open their shitty doors. We had to sleep in our car all night. This is because they are too damn cheap to pay anyone to stay up front office to attend to any guests incase an issue happens like this. So of course until past 8am an employee shows up and we tell him the story. We got our money back thanks through Booking.com where we booked our room through. But never ever would I go back to this place who obviously doesn't care about their guests!! btw theres too many hobos around the area which makes you feel more unsafe to stay there!