Never tried Kombucha before....this is the perfect place for you. The owners open the tap room every Sunday from 2-8 to the public. When I say tap room I mean a small room with a table a few chairs, a couch and a tv where they keep 3 different flavors of Kombucha on tap. If it is your first time trying or you are a seasoned vet who home brews there own it is a great place to learn about kombucha and the way lenny boy brews theirs. The owners are super friendly and certainly love sharing about the product that they pour. You are welcome to sample all of the flavors on tab or just get a glass of one or even buy a growler to take some home (I now have 2 of my own cause I have become Kombuchalioc) all for reasonable prices. They are now certified organic and use all north carolina ingrediants (unless unavailable in our great state). This is also a great product for anyone doing a raw diet as they cold brew their tea. I have only been here during the winter but there have been talks that as the weather begins to warm up they will be having live music and more outside in their parking lot which will make for a great relaxing afternoon. Come check it out!!