You gets no stars that's how poor the customer service is! Why would you sale out a show then not be able to accommodate the people who bought tickets 3 months ago.... I told myself the last time I came and they charged me a 100 dollars for two drinks and som chicken tenders as if I was at Fleming's Steak house! I am so disappointed in with this establishment and I highly doubt if I would be coming back here especially with the servers breath smelling like hot cheese and dog fart! I'm so over this shit like for real. Me and my friends are squished together can't even move like we are in a can of sardines! The key is to make people want to come back, not feel as if they could just stay home and watch the shit on tv! Thanks for making my birthday present some complete and utter bullshit! Then you want some one to spend $25 dollars on one drink fuck this shit gone!
Oh and they made me put a star to even post because I didn't even want to put one!