| - Date of my visit: 4-January-2017
Time of my visit: Cavs game
We came for Bulls-Cavs game. This was our first time at the Q. Getting in was not all that hard, however, I hate Flash Seats, the system is obviously targeting secondary markets as well as heavily reliant on computer systems being up.
Sadly, this was nothing special about this arena, your typical cookie cutter arena, no different from any other arena build in/updated from 90s on. It lacks any character or any special feel to it. There were a few things I did like about it, nonetheless. I liked the vendor selection, it seemed to have a bit more options than anywhere else I have seen. I was also impressed with the gift shop (still overpriced, way overpriced), but I am yet to see a two story gift shop in the arena.
Once at the seats, it felt cramped, the seats were not build for modern Americans, not to account for winter cloth. Well, at least Bulls won!
Overall an average, C, experience.