I love Heddy's! Heidi is my "Button Whisperer". I am greeted with warm hellos as if I was back in grade school from whoever is at the Heddy's helm (three fabric cutting tables connected as a "U"). I'll ask if Heidi's there and if she's busy, I will wait by scoping out the remnant circles. I always buy one without having any idea what it will become. I choose for color and texture knowing once I have the fabric some idea will pop in my mind over the next couple days. I will bring in some multi-colored fabric swatch and say, "Heidi, I need 8, 3/4" buttons." She will pull out her cool tubes and bing the right one out the shoot. She'll pull out a couple more for options, but her first "whisper" always seems to be the one.
My Mom, Gran and I used to spend our Sundays going to the LA museums then to the district in downtown to pick up fabrics and notions for my next ballet costume or dance cotillion. The Heddy's crew always offers helpful suggestions and did you think. I continually meet neat people there. We share projects with one another, or ask a question of colour, or "what I was thinking was yadayada...". Heddy's is as close to LA as I can get to inspire my creativity and unique-ities! :)