If you want to be part of a sales pitch you can come on down here. After a few years of visiting this office I won't be returning. I absolutely can not stand the front desk staff who has always been extremely rude whether it be the old or new staffing. Only person I appreciated was Dr. Jones and after my last visit even that flew out the window with the constant pushing to buy through them with a rebate or not. If you want your Rx sent to another location it is a hassle and they will even bother to argue with you on why they are cheaper. Leave me alone you are my eye doctors not sales men!! I'm always pushed to buy through them and they flat out told me Costco is not cheaper and they wouldn't cover my contacts with my insurance but little did they know before my appointment I had just got off the phone with Costco and United Healthcare and I already knew everything was both covered and much cheaper even with their rebate. As far as I'm concerned it's in your best interest to just not say anything at all concerning another distributed/location it looks piss poor and is very annoying. Needless to say Costco did take care of me, I was fully covered with my purchase and hell no I did not purchase through Premier this place has just become a joke and a bigger pain in my rear than it was ever worth.