Soundscapes is the best music store in Toronto to purchase concert tickets at! They have a minimal surcharge for tickets, which is insignificant compared to Ticketmaster (cash only for tickets). Soundscapes has an excellent website with a very current inventory of tickets online, excellent staff picks, contests, and new releases of music. They are open to 11pm daily. I love that they are an independent music store and I love the location in little Italy. They often have in store live music performances. They carry a wide range of music genres and a large selection of local indie artists. I find vinyl prices to be a little pricey. I am a frugal when it comes to vinyl and I will always seek out the best prices. They also carry a great selection of music books. I wish that Soundscapes, Rotate and She said boom could conglomerate and take the best aspects out of each other to strengthen these already excellent music stores=)
I highly recommend Soundscapes!
But make um understand its Westside foe life!