I've lived in the neighborhood for over a year and have amassed a fair bit of experience with the local bars and restaurants. I use yelp frequently so I think it's about time I start to contribute. I want to start with the worst of the worst.
A friend and I walked into this place on a rainy Sunday a few months ago. Mostly because we wanted somewhere comfortable and cozy, and we wanted to try someplace we'd not been before. First impression was okay; it smelled musty but that could be just because of the rainy weekend. We sat at the bar at first. There was a middle-aged guy behind the bar. He was having a conversation with a middle-aged woman at the bar. I'm not sure if she works here too but she was complaining loudly, rudely, and disparagingly about some customers that she'd dealt with earlier at her job as a server. We had to wait a long time for them to wrap up their conversation before we got any service.
We then headed to the back to play some pool. There was a group of high-school aged kids playing so we sat at a table in the corridor and placed coins on on the ledge of the table. The kids that were playing saw and acknowledged this. After about a half hour (no, they weren't seriously playing, just killing time) another group of kids walked in and sat at a table near ours. When the last group's game was done, the new group jumped in and started playing with the old group. We spoke to them and said that we'd put money down and the next game was ours. We had a fairly polite conversation about it but they wouldn't back down.
We went to the bar and asked one of the bartenders what the expected decorum was for use of the pool table at their establishment. He agreed with us that we had the next turn at the table and unless the table was reserved for a party at a specific time then patrons should take turns. We asked if the group that playing had a reservation for the table. He grabbed a writing pad, checked it, and said that there were no reservations for that day but that he was just the bartender and couldn't do anything about it. We asked to speak to the manager. It turned out that the middle-aged guy was the manager. He was very dismissive. He said they let their customers sort it out among themselves - note that this would be reasonable if you didn't have high school kids loitering in your bar. I asked what they would do if a group won't share the table and have no reservation. In reply he said well they do have a reservation so I can't do anything. This was obviously a lie seeing as the bartender had checked the reservation schedule.
At this point we'd had it with his attitude and poor service so we paid out tab and went elsewhere.
Terrible service. Bad atmosphere. Bad clientele, Smells bad.