i ve just read the review about their pethotel services, thx for the reader that posted it, i would never chose them as a pethotel, but their store is clean and big has everything
cheap toys for all kinda pets, friendly helpful staff,although today the women scanned one item twice but I always double check my receipt! I went back and asked for a refund!
here at least they keep the birds clean unlike critters castle where i bought a sick bird that died few weeks later... these birds seem happy and i hope they will remain healthy
by the way i do not buy bird food in pet stores bcuz they are ridiculusly expensive,i can get in the dollar store for $1!!! so why would i pay 6 bucks for the same food.
their return policy is also fair, i bought a small cage that was of awful quality, (was imbalanced&deformed) and they gave me refund although i lost the receipt but showed my printed visa statement ... their other cages i found a bit too pricy over $150... so i am not gonna buy cage here but pet toys are fine