| - WARNING...I visited the Ikea store to buy some items. It was chaotic. The cashier checkout lines were very, very long, The clerks on the floor were helpful, but STAY FAR, FAR AWAY from the self-scan checkout. I was not very familiar with the scanner screen and did not select the choices properly before picking up the handheld scanner, so the scanner attendant came up from behind and tried to intimidate me by snapping a warning at me that I am being videotaped. Clearly, she was assuming and implying that I was trying to evade scanning my products...when I haven't even finished my transaction. STEER CLEAR of the self-scan checkout....STEER CLEAR of this attendant. She was a heavyset woman with tan complexion, dark hair. It seems this woman likes to verbally intimidate customers. It's very disturbing that she lingered near my scanner right from the beginning and during the whole transaction, looking over my shoulders.
It is not the first time I have encountered problems at this Ikea Store, but this is by far one of the worst incidences. There is something SERIOUSLY WRONG with this employee..
If you must shop at Ikea, when you deal with any employees, be sure to switch on the audio recording of your smartphone as you will need it in the event of an incident.
I like Ikea products, I like Ikea food, I like the Ikea concept...but I do not feel comfortable shopping at or bringing my family to this store again. It was a toxic encounter! They are doing a fine job of chasing away customers.