My first 2-3 visits were fine. I kept with the same stylist and she would do highlights on my hair, then a cut. This time I went in and since my colour was good, asked for a base adjustment, which basically means lightening just the roots somewhat to blend in with the pre-existing colours. My previous Aveda stylist in the States would suggest this as an alternate to just highlights everytime. My young stylist had no idea but went ahead anyway and turned my whole head a bright blonde. It was only afterwards she explained she didnt really know what I wanted. A few days later I returned to get some low lights added as I couldnt handle the blonde. She wasnt available, so the stylist in the chair right next to her was. The whole time there she ignored me, didnt look at me, say hello, help out the stylist with the correction.
Id say a just ok place for basic stuff, anything more complicated go elsewhere. Oh and customer service needs work.