I used to be a faithful Za's diner, but recently I've found myself increasingly disappointed. I usually order from the salad menu, though since they have upped their prices these no longer feel like the great deal I once thought they were. Yeah, it's nice to be able to create my own combinations, but the cost is just too high. Five bucks for a salad without any meat? Close to seven if you want to add chicken (and even that can be risky--sometimes it has this nasty slimy texture to it).
The garlic bread that comes with the salad totally negates any health benefits you may be recieving. I don't know for sure, but I bet that's not butter on there: think oleo or some other man-made substitute.
The pastas and pizzas really aren't anything worth mentioning, so I won't and I haven't had a pannini here for years.
The salads were the only thing pulling me into Za's on a regular basis and after becoming disillusioned with the whole charade, I don't think I'll be back any time soon.
Sorry, Za's. It was fun while it lasted.