CONVEYOR Belt Sushi... Now just imagine if someone opens a Conveyor Belt Dessert! :D My Friends would wish the Belt ends inside their mouth.
Food going around and around and around in front of you continuously is quite fascinating actually. It's like a Sushi Catwalk and when you want you can take the item of desire. Nine Up Sushi, you're my very first Conveyor Belt Sushi so definitely will be in my memory bank for a long while.
It's quite NEW so I will review it as such while some of the Apprentice Sushi Chefs ask the experienced Chef to show them make a Temaki Hand roll. The service is nice and most seating are at the Conveyor Belt while there are a few away from it where you can order from the Menu itself.
Items on the Conveyor are Color Plated and as Nine Up is still relatively unknown, there are limited Customers which could mean for the limited items on the Conveyor while we were there. For some reason, I see mostly Hot Pink and Baby Blue! The median priced items but of course you can always ask for items straight from the Menu if wished.
The Food items are fresh and mostly of Maki, Nigiri, or Sashimi. The Partitions are there to block off the customers that would otherwise face you but I think they might be removable. That might help if you want to seat face-to-face with Friends or... Jump the Belt Line and get your Sushi.
I'm glad something DIFFERENT has been created in this Scarborough neighbourhood that can otherwise be the same ol'.
Also if you haven't noticed, many SPICY Chinese restaurants are overtaking the area. I give extra Kudos to Nine Up for willing to make this Food Concept accessible outside of Downtown Toronto.