I've mostly avoided Range 702 for shooting due to their brass policy (I reload), but I just took their free CCW class these guys did a bang up job. Now we all know that the state mandates 8 hours and they have to fill in a lot of time with information that's probably redundant to experienced shooters.
The instructors Jeff and Rocky did their best to keep things light and entertaining and moving along. These guys did a great job and I was able to sit through the class without much issue even with a case of self diagnosed ADD.
Pros: Clean, organized, world class facilities
- no gun store commandos
- personable instructors that don't talk down to you
- lots of breaks
- membership discounts to CCW students
- no misinformation like some of the other "machine gun" shops in town
-long class (but not range 702s fault)
Good job Range702!