Overall, the education was ok. You get shafted a LOT with scheduling and no one cares to help. I don't think I learned much here other than improving my writing skills and getting a worse work ethic and learning how to procrastinate. However, there are some amazing professors that really care about you and make you intereseted in learning.
The student body is what made me love this place- everyone is so friendly and helpful. You are always meeting new people who are cool and interesting. The bar scene on campus gets old FAST (they are all dirty and overpriced) but the off campus fars are really cool.
Definitely needs to work on the diversity stuff, almost everyone I know is white middle class suburbanite. It would have been nice to meet some people who weren't exactly like me (especially in the 3 semesters of teaching in a diverse environment where the only diversity was the difference in white suburbs we were from- no joking.)
Overall, I had a good experience here, I just wish the classes had been smaller and the professors cared more about teaching and less about research.
Oh, and a $2000 tuition raise over 4 years- WTF! (Keep in mind that my tuition was only $6000 my first year, so that is a huge increase).